CURRICULUMThe Folsom School District curriculum is closely aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). The standards describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of an eight year public education, providing clear and specific benchmarks for student achievement in nine content areas. Standards for Mathematics and Language Arts Literacy are based on the Common Core State Standards, adopted by the New Jersey Board of Education in 2010 and revised in 2016. The standards are also designed to help teachers prepare students to be college and career ready.
Content area original adoption dates are listed below. Because curriculum is a living document, revisions and updates are always occurring.
New Jersey Student Learning Standards
Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills K-8 NJSLS 2020
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education K-8 NJSLS 2020
Computer Science & Design Thinking K-8 NJSLS 2020
Science K-8 NJSLS 2020
Social Studies K-8 NJSLS 2020
Visual and Performing Arts K-8 NJSLS 2020
Grades K-8 Dance Curriculum (Visual and Performing Arts) NJSLS 2020
Grades K-8 Theater Curriculum (Visual and Performing Arts) NJSLS 2020
Grades Pre-K-8 Music (Visual and Performing Arts) NJSLS 2020
Grades Pre-K-8 Art (Visual and Performing Arts) NJSLS 2020
World Languages K-8 NJSLS 2020
Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards 2014 https://www.nj.gov/education/earlychildhood/preschool/docs/PreschoolTeachingandLearningStandards.pdf
Preschool Guidelines 2019
Grades K-8 Talented and Gifted (TAG) The law states that school districts must establish a process to identify students as gifted and talented using multiple measures. These students require modification to their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities. The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) Office of Standards refers to standards developed by the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) to assist school districts in examining the quality of their programs and services for gifted learners in grades Pre-K to 12.
Grades Pre-K-7 Library Media Science NJSLS 2020 & 21st Century ASL Standards (Information Literacy)
Grades K-8 Math NJSLS 2016
Grades K-8 English Language Arts NJSLS 2016
Grades Pre-K-8 PBSIS (Character Education)
All Curriculum is on located www.folsomschool.org
The Folsom School District curriculum is organized into units of study based upon the Understanding by Design (UbD) model of instructional design. UbD transforms Content Standards into focused learning targets based on “big ideas” and transfer tasks. Interdisciplinary connections are emphasized in Stage I as essential questions and enduring understandings. Technology and 21st Century Life and Career Standards are integrated as learning targets in all grade levels and subject areas. Core instructional materials and supportive materials used to help students acquire required knowledge and skills are identified.
Below, please find links to content specific curricula listed by subject matter (Board of Education approved). Click on any link to view. If you have any questions, please feel free to email the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Thank You.
Additional Resources:
Special Education
Curriculum Modifications and Adaptations http://njcdd.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/tools-teacherspart2.pdf
Resources http://www.state.nj.us/education/specialed
Curriculum https://www.nj.gov/education/title3/district/program.shtml
Teacher Resources / Professional Development https://www.nj.gov/education/title3/educators/