Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
Folsom School takes a strong stand against issues of student bullying and verbal or physical harassment or intimidation. If you need to report an incident that you have witnessed, have been involved with, or if you need to revise a statement, you can report it in the following ways:
- Speak to any adult staff member.
- Leave a note for a teacher or the Superintendent.
- E-mail a staff member Staff Directory / Staff Directory Lookup (folsomschool.org).
- Call the school 609-561-8666. If after hours, leave a message at extension 111.
- All reported incidents (current or revised) will be investigated. Witness names will be kept confidential
Mrs. Hetzel is Folsom's Anti-Bullying Coordinator.
Mrs. Hetzel's email address is MHetzel@folsomschool.org
Mrs. Hetzel's phone number is 609-561-8666 x120.
Folsom School District makes use of a reporting tool from
STOPit Safety & Wellness Solutions,
which helps protect student's physical, social and emotional well‑being.
Click on the link below to submit a STOPit report or download the app.
From a computer: https://appweb.stopitsolutions.com/
For those wanting to use a paper form for reporting, the form can be found here:
Families: Click here to access the Report Bullying Form (Form 338 HIB)
Staff: Click here to access the Report Bullying Form (Form 338 HIB)
Click here to go to the Folsom Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Policy
(Link should direct user to policy number 5512)
Click on the links below for more information concerning the Anti-Bullying Programs:
Folsom School District Grade Determined under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights ActFY2017-2018 ABR Self Assessment 1540
FY2018-2019 ABR Self Assessment 1540
2019-2020 SY HIB Self-Assessment Grade Report
2021-2022 SY HIB Self-Assessment Grade Report
2022-2023 SY HIB Self-Assessment Grade Report
Contact information for the School Climate State Coordinator (HIB@doe.nj.gov)
Schools were scored on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying, or HIB, based on a 20-page self-assessment developed by the state Department of Education.
The maximum possible score is 78.The eight core areas are:
1. School HIB Programs, Approaches and Other Initiatives – 15 Points
2. Training on the Board-Approved HIB Policy – 9 Points
3. Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs – 15 Points
4. Curriculum and Instruction on HIB Related Information and Skills – 6 Points
5. HIB Personnel – 9 Points
6. School-Level HIB Incident Reporting Procedures – 6 Points
7. HIB Investigative Procedures – 12 Points
8. HIB Reporting – 6 PointsThe complete self-assessment rubric is online at:
Folsom School District HIB Checklist and Timeline
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
- School Day 1: Any alleged HIB case must be reported by faculty/parent/guardian/visitor to the principal/designee on the same day it occurs. Principal/Designee shall then inform the parent/guardian of all students involved in the alleged HIB.
- School Day 2: Principal/Designee must initiate investigation by Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS) within one day of report.
- School Day 3:Online “HIB Reporting Form- Staff/Parent/Visitor” to be completed within 2 school days of the alleged HIB.
- School Day 11: Investigation completed by ABS no later than 10 school days from date of initial support.
- By School Day 13: Results of investigation must be given to the Superintendent within 2 school days of completing investigation with recommended intervention services.
- Report to Board: Superintendent must report to Board of Education (BOE) at next board meeting.
- Report to Parent/Guardian: District must provide information to parent of alleged bully(ies) and victim(s) about investigation and findings within 5 school days after BOE meeting.
- Board Hearing: Parent/Guardian may request confidential hearing before BOE, within 60 calendar days of parent/guardian receiving written report.
- Board Decision: Board must issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject or modify the Superintendent’s decision, at the next board meeting. Board’s decision may be appealed to the Commissioner of Education within 90 calendar days.
- Civil Rights Complaint: Parent/Guardian may file a complaint with NJ Division on Civil Rights within 180 calendar days of incident, or in State or Federal Court, if HIB is based on a characteristic protected under State or Federal Law.
Link to NJDOE Guidance for Parents the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act: https://www.nj.gov/education/safety/sandp/hib/